Real Beauty with Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma defines health as a condition where the body is clear of toxins and organs are functioning normally, the mind is at peace and emotions are calm and happy. In a stressful and toxic environment, our physical and mental systems accumulate toxins causing deterioration in the functioning of a body-mind complex which opens the door for chronic, degenerative and non-specific diseases to develop. Panchakarma is the ultimate Ayurvedic detoxification therapy of body and mind. It also strengthens the immune system to restore health and well-being. It is a compendium of therapies that are highly individualized based on the Ayurvedic constitution type (Prakruty), imbalances (if any), digestive fire, age, immune status, health conditions & many other factors. Depending on an individual’s needs all or part of five therapies are utilized. Panchakarma part is a comfortable therapy. Treatments for Panchakarma Panchakarma therapy starts with the initial consultation...