Revolutionary New Breakthrough in Skincare is Light Therapy for Acne

Acne is a bummer. Whether you’re a teenager struggling through puberty or still fighting breakouts in your adulthood, acne can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. But don’t let blemishes keep you from facing the world with confidence. Today there are more treatment options available than ever, including light therapies that don’t require harsh topical creams that irritate or dry out your skin. Read on to learn how you can achieve great results and get the clear skin you’ve always desired.

The skincare industry is constantly evolving. Because technology and techniques are always improving. Acne is the medical term for plugged pores of blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, and even deeper lumps of cysts or nodules that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Pores are connected to the oil glands under your skin by a canal called a follicle. The oil from your glands carries dead skin cells to the surface of your skin and sometimes clumps together to cause a plug. The bacteria in the plug can cause swelling and forms a pimple. Though harmless and not threatening to your health, acne can cause scarring.

For acne light therapy is an aid in preventing papules and pustules. When light is focused on skin, it penetrates into various layers and helps kill acne bacteria and reduces inflammation. Light therapy is a pain-free procedure and we can have lasting results when used on a regular basis. There are several FDA-approved products on the market to make acne treatment possible.

The colour of the visible light used in light therapy will determine how deeply it can penetrate your skin. Most dermatologists use red or blue light, or a combination of both to treat acne. Blue light is most commonly used, resulting in about a 60-70% reduction of acne. On the other hand, red light can penetrate your skin more deeply, making it able to reach sebaceous glands. When combined, the red and blue light used together can maximize the benefits.


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